Its been along time and like alot of others I just havent had the time nor the will/need to write.Ravelry can be the blame for some and lack of time plus other issues I wont voice here.
Anyhow I like to say Merry Christmas to anyone who may pass by and hope the day,weekend/holidays is as they'd wanted ,was peaceful , joyful and healthy.
I had a quiet one where I was lucky to have my RDO on Christmas Eve so I was able to tidy the garden and part of the house,get the mundane stuff out of the way.It was an early start this morning as to be expected with the youngest 11 and 12 respectively,I cooked a hot lunch of chicken ,ham and vegies(its a beautiful day here),it was abit late but went down well!
In the "peace" after, Ive been able to finish off a sock from Charley's club at Ixchel Fibres,gorgeous oranges and darkish yellows,reminds me of lava, in BFL,so Divine,they ll stay in my cupboard!!
This year coming will be interesting,Im on the Schools Waste Wise Committee(asked, not volunteered),having resigned from the School Council,full time job,OSH rep and taking on 20 hours of Uni Study as well starting in March.
Knitting/spinning will have to be allocated to only relaxation times and looking at my stash I think I have enough to keep me going for the entirety of the course,about 3 to 4 years
I also have about ten kilos of medium strong wool to spin too,at least a jumper worth for the owner apparently I can have the remainder,LOL
Anyhow Im going to endeavour to keep posting more regularly as a record more than anything of my progress next year and beyond,heaven knows ,maybe there's some one out there doing the same mad thing!!
The Knitting Retreat at Toodyay this is certainly marked on my Calendar too and am so looking forward to attending especially as my best Friend now lives there,it ll give me the opportunity to have look at her Federation mudbrick house they are renovating!!
Im off to water my garden and enjoy the lovely sunset!!
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