A few things (meme)
1.Do you like bleu cheese? Not really,I like variety of different ones but blue cheese is abit strong
2.Have you ever smoked? Nope if you discount sneaking a puff and a single puff under Dads dozer when I was 12~
3.Do you own a gun? In the past owned a few,miss them
4.Favorite type of food? Italian and good old plain bush food
5.Favorite type of music? Heaps from Enja to Alan Jackson,some hip hop ,Grinners,Jet,hmm Theory of a Dead Man,yep heaps!And all different
6.What do you think of hot dogs? Gross,tastes like plastic
7.Favorite Christmas movie? Friday after Next
8.What do you prefer to drink in the morning?Dilmah Tea!!!
9.Can you do push ups? Used to do up to 80 twice week
10.What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? My Eternity ring as Hubby dragged me into pick one out and made it impossible to refuse....
11.Favorite hobby? Knitting, reading, gardening, writing,art stuff,riding my Motor bike
12.Do you have A.D.D.? Not that Im aware
13.Do you wear glasses/contacts? Have readers
14.Middle name? Maree
15.Name three thoughts at this exact moment: Have to do some study,finish Bday Scarf for friend,wish Son would hurry up and get my cup o tea
17.Current worry? My Job
18.Current hate right now? My job,LOL
19.Favorite place to be? Home with family
20.How did you bring in the new year? Quitely,think I was asleep
21.Someplace you’d like to go! Home to see family,too many are sick
22.Name three people who will complete this. My Blogger Firends,not naming them!
23.Do you own slippers? Uggies!!!
24.What color shirt are you wearing? White
25.Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No! Crisp linen
26.Can you whistle? Yep
27.Where are you now? Home
28.Would you be a pirate? LOL it would make an interesting change
29.What songs do you sing in the shower?
30.Favorite girl’s name? Charley Rose
31.Favorite boy’s name? Have 5 boys all favs,Tom Hew Pat Sam Ben
32.What is in your pocket right now? Dont have any
33.Last thing that made you laugh? My silly big boys
34.What vehicle do you drive? Tarago
35.Worst injury you’ve ever had? Buggered back due to an idiot/S at work
36.Do you love where you live? Its not bad but Id rather be elsewhere
37.How many TVs do you have in your house? 5....
38.How many computers do you have in your house? 4....
39.If you changed your job, what would it be? Art industry,farming,craft shop which ever came up first
40.If you had three wishes what would they be? Health happiness and want for nothing
There you go, I cant remeber where I saw it but many thanks for a few minutes of fun!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Lotsa rain!!!
Ina short time.We had a massive storm last night,starting around 2 am,it slowly made its way over the town and finsihed around 5.30am.When I did to see the radar map it shows a large horizontal cloud that traveled in a different direction to what we ve getting.It meant we got the full force of the down pour as it came out of the hills behind us.
We were lucky it only came up to our front door,thank heavens for DHs new toy, the laser level that he used to check if our new verandah was high enough as we d been told of the water levels last time it flooded!
And BP Dam,see the water roaring into the dam through the culvet! We had some big storms before but flooding like this, not for at least ten years!!
We were lucky it only came up to our front door,thank heavens for DHs new toy, the laser level that he used to check if our new verandah was high enough as we d been told of the water levels last time it flooded!
Receding the first photo, though the passing yobos out sight seeing were a bloody nuisance,making waves with their 4x4.
The poor neighbours on the right were flooded out!!! As were the young family further right,have been told since their house is unihabitable,they moved out by lunch time.
On the knitting front Ive finished the River Avon,it fits beautifully and have started on a Sock Head for my ill SIL,knitted in gorgeously soft KA Cashmere in Beijing Blue.Im using 3.25mm needles,it looks quite good so far and hope it doesnt come out too loose, I am having trouble with the finess of the yarn but once I get into the rib it should be ok. I might start off the 4 ply Possum hat(Vogue) for me too so I have abit of variety.On top of that Im also starting Tea Leaves with the very lovely Berroca Alpaca from a destash on Ravelry ....
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