Wednesday, July 06, 2016

wow another post

actually Im procrastinating, I need to start 6 drawings for next sub yep six...
heres a few of my latest works, oils and mixed media, dont have any decent drawings yet Im happy with so really have to get cracking,these are not finished yet either

Spinning and knitting I have managed so far over last three months

Ok back to study,4 submission to go

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

July 16

Just another year slipping by, i gave up writing it has been too hard not jusst to find the time but to write anything worth writing about and physically unable to with enjoyment, is anyone nterested ? I suspect not
coming up to 8 month physio with three to go with a new physio,
work is just as crap, nasty people even with records abound, dobbing and nit picking,
no idea what my job is anymore
have 4 more assisgnments to go
expect to take LSL leave in October, 6 weeks off but no holidays im afraid
hope to make a mum trip in above
i miss my boys dreadfully and even more so when hubby siad they dont like coming out here anymore because of me
I can knit again slowly and in short bits of time
art work is same, how the hell Ive manged to get this far in uni beats me
I dont mean to be a sad sister, but no close friends in town work study work study no life makes a boring persn with no point to life seeming to loom.
The loom is sitting idle with a gorgeous black Wolmiese shawl in it, only a few inches to do but when I had a play three months ago it took that long to get over it, Have a nice couple nice 4ply skeins sitting there ready to do next project, maybe after jext assignment ill try a little bit
knitting a beanie st by st for ine sn who complained henever hot a hat just for him,well he did but apparently it wasnt what he wanted, i sure hope this one will be ok, ribbing is aweful , plain knitting doesnt seem to hurt as much
work I ng on this one too, frogged Duck l'orange
so soft bunny merino from the lovely Charly, currently very carefully spinning gold carot top in soft pink and chaqrcoal , yes a littel spinning, as long at i dont go too fast or hunch I can do that. 
I never realised how much my artist self needed this stuff, without it the poor mind goes south, I did start to thk what a waste of time, knitting things etc even when I m playing in the journal,the sheer joy of color and design seemed a waste of effort, now I can do little thngs again I feel better. Just need to find purpose in life 
sorry for typoes couldbt bother3d gong back over it
thes lil birdies re currently in QUeensland in the compact prints exhibit i hope they are liked, hand colored etchings