Sunday, December 21, 2014

on leave

A quick note, im currently on leave as advised by my local Doctor, he was very caring and as i didnt go much on him before im a lot happier for that fact, my health is more important at moment so he given me two weeks. I hope I dont have to go down this track again....
Today I felt better and below are the two pieces I worked on , the first is done, the second is waitng for inspiration to tell  the way and what to do next.
Dusk on the Water inspired by the wonderful waters on the estuary at Munglinup.
 Merging Reality, strated with limited chosen pallet then let the brush take over, not doen yet, Im thinking black lines in strategic placement a bit like Paul Klee.
 These are gelli prints I played with yesterday with stencils, I worked more on them but the ideas there, at the bottom is my littel fishfinger with new friends, theres only four left though they like the dark and had gone in behind the filter so it was sad to only see 4 from ten left. I shifted the filter to the lit corner and put black paper on the corner they seem to like. We had blamed poor Fishfinger thinking he had eaten them. .

If the reorganised tank furnishing work Ill get some more, think a thermonmetre might handy too as these tetra s like 20 to 22 degrees so winter might an issue. I can sit and watch them for hours, very good for the nerves.
Im into a new Multinomah shawl for my Aunty, cant knit for too long as shoulders are better not that good, ten minutes of knitting and thats it.The cortisone has worked about 85% but is good if I dont over do it.  The other one is bad, the torn tendons are nasty if I do too much,15 mins on the whipper snipper and I paidfor it for two days of burning and pain. I ve been so tired and trying to work on assignment that I haventbeen back to doctors. Hopefully  he will suggest physio first but I wont be surprised if stitching it up will also be suggested.
til next time...

1 comment:

  1. Your artwork is marvellous. I love the first one, it looks like a city skyline to me. Oh, I am glad the little fishes were OK. Poor Fishfinger. Hope you are coping with the aches and pains, I am glad you have an understanding doctor. Take care!!!
