To help free up my body re shoulders back Ive started walking for an hour every couple days,there s a great dirt road out the back of my home,,I can get a good pace up and hear cars and motor bikes with enough time to get into bush.I feel better on top of the new routine Phyiso has outlayed. On these walks Ive come across some wonderful thIngs , heres one, a variation of the Swainsonia, normally purple,this individual is more blue, gorgeous in real life, S beaselyani I believe.
When I got home I played with some soft pastels
Took a while and I dont think its finished but the act of creating soothes the mind. I think it will be destined as a gift when I m happy with it.
Something i did...
These wrens live around here too, Splendid Fairy Wren
I did another smaller one but not happy with crooked but u get the idea. I recieved another bundle of antique pages so I can do more of this style, maybe a willy wag tail next
The flowers.....