The Christmas preparations at work and the " round" of social events that I dont normally attend have taken their toll on my time and added to the usual tiredness I seem to suffer lately...
First up ,Im happy to say that Son No 2 again was awarded a Scolarship, and son No 3 was the clearest and best speech presented at the End Of Year Presentations, being part of the School Council this year he shone among the crowd of staff as being able to speak well and clearly so we could all hear.A majority of the staff mumbled and even got their words mixed up!
Son 5 was dissapointed to have not recieved an award but it was mainly for some twit of a teacher doing the usual of telling their students that they have to come to the Big Night in case they were getting an award,he was so convinced that she knew something that he believed her.Im more wise myself as next year( if we are still here) to warn the boys ,Not to expect anything(Mums and Dads get special letters so we do know before hand)....
Son 2 got his award for the consistant high standard of work throughout the year but he always won awards for the most consistant even through sport. You know what you get with him,even i can say that,LOL
I managed to finish the most urgent washcloths for the Teachers etc and have two to finish for other friends and family and hope the post is able to deliver on time!!!
Im currently putting the binding on Mums Quilt and hope there's enough to finish it but have resigned to the fact I may not finish it in time for the last delivery at her end,probably Saturday!
Im waiting excitedly for the ISE5 parcel to arrive and am thinking that the long way( Surface not Air) may have been used,Ill post something about it on that blog later if nothing arrives in the next week or two!
We've cool weather here and its great as it means the gardens and lawns at work are going to get a small chance to grow abit before the real heat sets in.Its been around 12 to 21' here over the last three days with a bit of rain not enough to actually relieve our watering restrictions but it will allow me to hold back a couple of days in watering all but the things under cover.
Its nice to have long pants and jumpers on for a while,I bet Xmas will be in the high 40's and humid.......I hope to finish the knitting projects but am looking some real woolly ones that Id love to have finished before next winter... Been looking at those snowy pictures on a few US blogs ,the Trees look great with a window drop like that but I don't envy the power bill to stay warm.....Read about the cold front stalling over the Plains and have no doubt there were a lot of people very cold..
At the Annual Christmas Tree, Hubby and I were asked by friends to volunteer to take part in the massive sausage stand where we end up giving away 1000 snags as part of the celebrations!! We managed to do so and had about 20 odd snags left over ,ran out of bread about 50 so it was paper wrapped ones towards the end... It was loads of fun!!!

I finished a skein of merino silk from
EGMTKs, gorgeously soft and very hard to give up,I gave it to our lovely Principal who
mistakedly told me she s a knitter too!!!!
LOL I knew what to do straight away, it was suitably
recieved and I pointed her in
Mandies direction ....I think it came out in a close to 8 ply but recommended her to use 3.5mm to 4mm needles to achieve the softness!!!! K.... had a pattern already in mind by the time I left the office!!!!

I didnt get a great picture but it came out a soft salmon pink colour and I renamed it Pink Lemonade as I couldnt remember Mandies choice ,sorry Mandie,hope you dont mind the name change!!!!
Oh and
heres a
piccies of the fabulous desert( Strawberry
Pav with Apple Crumble) I had at Son No 3 Year 7 graduation dinner,it was a wonderful night though at first I thought our table was a bit stilted....