Sunday, September 30, 2012

No 3

Not sure if I like this now,it will have to do for the mioment as I have to get a number of works done or at least started etc for next sub, this one will sit until I decide to leave it or do more,if anything I think ive over done,water colour is often better left with minimal working..

"Spring Dance", watercolour,2012. 297x420mm
 Meanwhile I did another yesterday,Im happy with this a lot more though theres an aweful lot I have to learn,I think theres progress.With this one I sketched the basic scene,used masking fluid to hold the white areas and then proceeded to paint the rest,wetting the paper only where I was working on was a wonderful step forward technique wise, for me anyhow,the colours didnt leach or bleed and there defined edges stayed sharper,really ahd fun with one..
This is after I removed the masking stuff
And what I had last night,not sure if Ill do anything more,dont like the dead leaves but who knows it might be ok..I have to get another pic as the colour looks a bit bleached in this one.Ok I went back and auto corected that pic,still the same as original but its a bit better lol
                                 "A Memory",watercolour 2012, 297x420mm. on 300 gram paper

Ok have to plan and start next ones today as its the last day  off from work,back there tomorrow bright and early and no real break til Christmas now unless I take more leave to finish this assignment whic is highly on the cards!

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