I have three weekends to get this huge drawing assignment done,hardly anyone has participated on Curtin BB so not sure if Im on the right track
However I will plough through,taking a few photos of resource material today and setting up first drawing,feeling a bit deflated and tired, I want to also sort the new quilt fabric as well and put into little piles ready to sew,the pattern is here

I have sort the green and blues and mauves then find a dark contrast among them,pair with white squares ,rule the center line then sew,easy ,but time consuming,assignment will take precedent,especially as theres only my middle son and I at home,he will prob sleep all day lol so peace for me for teh whole freaking weekend,yep theyve gone fishing again
Also would like to ball up the new spun balls and that gorgeous yarn I got from a hand spinner in Victoria,the one from the spinner market, I finished the green shawl and want to get cracking on a new onethat norwegian while a bit crisp to the hand is marvelous anyway,but what to do with it,considering I have another braid yet
Also on list finding that handpainted card to send off...the list is growing and of course Im sneezing at moment feels like hayfeaver but I wouldnt be surprised if it a virus,the pressure and stress I ve had for a few months is catching up..
oh and this pic I forgot to include last post,the resident praying mantis
The orchid rescue centre is going leaps and bounds since I took this they have grown more in leaf with wonderful new roots winding tjheir way through pot, ive got the new bag of mix waiting but Bunnings had sold out of clay pots in the size I wanted,next trip
However I will plough through,taking a few photos of resource material today and setting up first drawing,feeling a bit deflated and tired, I want to also sort the new quilt fabric as well and put into little piles ready to sew,the pattern is here

I have sort the green and blues and mauves then find a dark contrast among them,pair with white squares ,rule the center line then sew,easy ,but time consuming,assignment will take precedent,especially as theres only my middle son and I at home,he will prob sleep all day lol so peace for me for teh whole freaking weekend,yep theyve gone fishing again
Also would like to ball up the new spun balls and that gorgeous yarn I got from a hand spinner in Victoria,the one from the spinner market, I finished the green shawl and want to get cracking on a new onethat norwegian while a bit crisp to the hand is marvelous anyway,but what to do with it,considering I have another braid yet
Also on list finding that handpainted card to send off...the list is growing and of course Im sneezing at moment feels like hayfeaver but I wouldnt be surprised if it a virus,the pressure and stress I ve had for a few months is catching up..
oh and this pic I forgot to include last post,the resident praying mantis
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