Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I am down with the flu again(second time in 3 weeks ,With tummy bug in between,never having Flu shot again.....) so I don't need to say how I am feeling at moment!!!!
However I have done a bit of knitting,which has surprised me as most of the time when I am sick, I die and last thing I want to do is anything at all(family doesn't quite starve but they are learning to fend for themselves LOL)
Huge surprise( for me anyway) I am up to the heel of a pair of opal (blue magic that I won on Ebay for $6) and that is amazing as it would usually take a week! I did mess up and didn't read instructions so I knit about ten rows past the decrease spot so instead of every 5 rows decrease,I did 4 rows but I think I got away with it!
These are destined as a gift for someone at work who according to her daughter loves blues so these should be perfect!!!!!
Also I am nearly up to the armhole of the Country Silk vest(maybe another 3 inches but I am getting excited and it makes me knit faster when I think I am getting closer),its gorgeous to knit and I love the way the silk slubs weave around the needle.Can't wait to start the cardigan which is the same as Beatlewears lovely creation but I think I may put a little extra length ( everyone tells me that its hard to believe that carried 5 big boys but I KNOW I have a little roll that peeps over my troosers so I disguise!)
Late night shopping on Thursday as all the younger boys need shoes(shriek,looking at $60 min for 7 and9 yrs) and I need to get some extras goodies for my Secret Pal.I checked the Blog yesterday and a few people are adding significantly to the skein parcel, so I am thinking hard of what can I find to add to mine! I have to post shortly so stitch markers are out (haven't time scratch let alone get creative!) sort of thinking some fabric,ribbons thread even......
Anyway I am off to bed as I have to crawl out of bed for work tomorrow but if I still feel like death warmed up then I will only do a half day!!! I will leave this for contemplation( from the usual spot
Doesn't he look just it!!!!!


  1. It is that time of the year isn't it for colds and flu and even tummy bugs :( I do hope that you feel better soon.

  2. Hope you're feeling better soon. We are all sick here too - only DD really ill with severe tonsilitis, but the rest of us with sniffles, though it's the end of term so a couple of weeks off now will help! Love the latest dyed wool. Once you have used 'proper' dyes you will never look back and want to use food dyes, but they are poisonous!

  3. Golly - three bouts of being crook recently! Sending healthy wishes at you (I think I'll keep my stress, thanks!).

  4. I am feeling a lot better with a good nights sleep!Thanks to all for best wishes,maybe thats what did it!!!!
    We have tonsil problems,ear and tonight croup as well....
    Not sure when our holidays start but they aren't far a way!
    I have looked up the Gaywool dyes and they seem fairly good but obviously care will be taken,I will be after help and hints when I embark on this new woolly adventure!
    I won't be giving up the food dyes as they are lovely,just I can't get the real purple tones and the browns etc.....
    I did 3hrs on the ride on lawn mower today so I am off to beddy byes...........

  5. aww feel better soon cathie

  6. I hope you're feeling better by now. I've never been able to get a good purple with food colors, although I can get some nice browns with a little mixing.
