It was 3 degrees at the coldest point that morning early!
But this was tucked up nice and warm inside to finish drying! This strawberry icecream merino angora handspun is destined to a special person who I will not name in case they see this page!
It was 3 degrees at the coldest point that morning early!
This was through Ebay but Nicole Bow has since started up an online shop where you can source all different things from Norway,including more ragg wool!! I love the outfit that the girl is wearing on the opening page!Have a look www.greatnorwegianstuff.com ,I like to see the landscape photos of other places probably "cause they differ so much from our own.No wonder Europeans say wow when visiting down under!
I am going to use this wool to knit some warm socks(what else!) and am keeping an eye out for more of the thicker types!These socks will be just a basic sock easy no brain ones!
All the wattle is flowering around here at the moment and I have been wondering if thats why I have not been feeling on top of things,verrry crappy in fact,( even though I am still in the grip of this fluey type of bug). I had the flu shot at school a couple of weeks ago so am also thinking it could be part of trouble too! The last time I had a F shot was when I was only 8yrs old (my parents were spooked by a huge gossip thing going around that a very bad bug was going to hit the area so off we were dragged kicking and screaming to the doctors).
I am hoping that we will get some rain in July this year so the wild flowers will flower properly,we've been in WA for 6 yrs this Xmas and I have hardly seen any yet,only the little pink paper daisies and they were lovely!
Well things are looking very much on the go for the One Skein Swap, I am very busy planning a project to do with one ball or skein and I am really stumped as apart from scarves and mittens,what can I do! I don't want to felt as I haven't ventured into that yet, the skein itself should be okay as I have heaps in my stash,including handspun/dyed yummies! and a great friend in the LWS for ideas but the gift thingy.......The more lucky peoples have found the One Skein Book!www.oneskein.blogspot.com/Though with the samples showing knitted cupcakes, I would like to see more inside before parting with some hard earned sock wool dollars. I'm not sure if we 'talk'to our Pals or just answer the questionaire, but being the first time I have done this, maybe I will just stay quiet!
Well I managed to post a bit,I beat my teenage son as he commandeers the computer when home from work and I can usually only have free rein at 430 in the morn!
I really feel like crap,
Oh I also have to do reading with No 4 son who is struggling, (he has a learning disorder) and he has a new Dragon of a teacher who will probably do wonders with him but is very pushy,and not very happy when told ,no we didn't do reading last night as kids were over the top and they are lucky to be alive this morning...........
Stay in tune,I have some wool angora handspun soaking ,waiting to be transformed into some gorgeous pinky something!
Edit,Mission accomplished,
Now I think I did okay,my other secret purchases are safely in reach...........................
This is a jumper I did Winter 2004 and on surfing some journals(sounds better than Blogs) I came upon a person(please forgive me,I can't remember who) knitting a Savannah from Nundle Mills(Minx Knits) and this person was worried that a certain colour was a bit standoutish so I am posting my jumper to show how the bright Sweet Pea colour from Bendigo(thought Nundle mill wool a bit coarse).My point is, I was worried too, but when finished it was just right and still earns comments even today when it is my least worn article!
Kogo skull cap is actually finished,I will get a "model" tomorrow if I am lucky as it is quite good fit on a 7 year old.
The best bit I have more left over to do the scarf,and that I am fudging as I haven't done a childs one before! 30 sts on 41/2 mm needles,soft rib and just wide enough to wrap around a childs neck,I hope anyway!
This is my Clapotis,Yep I joined the club in making one,I haven't used any markers as I found it easier and faster than to negotiate around the fiddly things.Its done in a lovely burnt orange Zivargo and it hasn't come up very well in the light but it is quite lovely! Now I have got to the first dropped stitches and it appears a bit too soft as it is 8 ply and the original calls for more of a 10 ply,and I have used 5mm needles ,probably a mistake but I was after a softer one anyway(well thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) Its a gift so am pushing to get it done!
Now I have finally picked up the Country Silk 8ply that the lovely Beatlewear has already finished so at least I can see how fantastic it looks, and am glad the girls at Cheryls (LWS) talked me into getting this colour.I have asked them however to put away 8 balls of the lighter green as I still like that colour too which is destined to be a vest like the cashmerino(Heirloom) pattern in a Australian Creative knitting Mag had some time ago!I really want to do a Jo Sharp vest(same mag) but all the projects keep popping up!This new purchase is my reward that can be started upon finishing the clapotis!
I found some goodies in Kmart yesterday, but as I had DH and Kiddies with me I couldn't focus but this was a obviously a good buy.I won't say a great buy till I have done something with it of course but the bonus is the meteridge ,machine washable and pure wool! I opened my mouth too much and have had two people ask me to do hand dyed socks for them and of course I said I can(kick me KICK ME HARD) no time to do my own fun spinning bits and experimental patterns and I had to do this! My fault,I am too nice,these people don't knit and I can't help but share the joy of colour and form.NO I am not just showing off either and neither am I going to make any money.They will only paying the cost of the materials! Kmart have this big sale and half the stuff they had I haven't seen in there before, I would like to go back and get some more so hoping it is a stocked item.I think I payed just under $3 each , 25 to50% off,its reasonably soft so I will see how it goes!
I love this froggy photo,Hanging On is its title ,I pinched it from a journal from some guy in the USA ages ago,I look for these sorts as I find them inspiring..............darn it I just love photography..........
This the latest Kogo beanie which I changed to a skull cap style thing more to alleviate the boredom than to be different but I think it looks neat.I will get one my boys to model it when finished!
And the Patonyle pinks is still going!!!!! Poor hing is alone too,I really do a lot of knitting and have a plan in place to finish projects: 15 mins at smoko (school) to work on Kogo, 1hour or more at night before sleep, locked in bedroom away from kids who should be asleep(they do if they think I am!), and a few rows while things like posting ,cooking(burnt chops,he he he),sitting in car waiting for school bell(but only on cool days! I think every knitter does these but the first two are nearly a garrantee(unless DH complains of course!
And lastly I couldn't help but have another rose..........
Behold the other rose purchase,a Pink Peace,I haven't seen one in full bloom and couldn't resist,Nurseries are the same as Wool Shops to me ..........
Here is the St Ives Mine Resue Team thathas just completed the competion(above ground) and did very well!
They came close by a whisker to getting alot more awards but as it is they
They came very close to a couple of other wards but they were thrilled with what they won!