Friday, May 03, 2013

Its Friday again

How many times have I posted a heading like that ,lol,anyway Im strangely looking forward to this one,the last day of peace at work,this afternoon Im off into Kalgoorlie to take bunnies and Tilly to the animal doctors,she has the most awful grass rash that i thinks getting infected,shes moping and although shows a spark of life when she gets a walk spends teh day asleep and stalking people with food. I put ointment on her tummy but I wasnt quick enough so expecting a sizable bill at teh end of visit.
Mz Bunny has been sneezing too much and although seems healthy Im taking her in in case its the start of myxomatosis,better to be safe and sure,the vet last week actually said it was a waste of time to do anything with them if they had it but I successfully brought Fluffa through it,he had a course of antibiotics and seems fine now.hes coming in for the ride just to keep Mz Bunny company.
Ive gotten a way into finishing two projects,the featherweight is nearly to arms though Ill do front bands first before starting them so make use of remaining yardage. i think Ill have a bit left over too! The scarfy cowly thing is nearly done too and I should have it done mid next week considering its my work project.Just need buttons there so have been surfing Etsy for some,I saw some gorgeous shell ones in the shape of little flowers but havent been able to find them again,I need 6 in a mid pink and the same in a chocolate brown
like these perhaps
or these
the later I could use for two projects but the pink ones look lovely though maybe a bit bright
and isnt this divine I pinched the pic I love soo much!
Fiber necklace bracelet multicolored ethnic
Etsy you sinful place


  1. Etsy is indeed a wicked place!! I hope Tilly and the bunnies are all well. Friday is a good day!!

  2. LOL most certainly and yes Tilly just needed antibiotics for infection in the grass rash and Mz Bunny has the snuffles so shes on the same,cost me $180 but I know they ll feel better!
